As is, it doesn’t mean what you think, since les entrailles means literally the guts. If you want a translation, I have several propositions:
- try could be rendered as essaie, tente or vise à
- capture as appréhender, restituer, retranscrire or simply capturer
- the inside as les profondeurs or les tréfonds
- the human soul as l’esprit humain, l’âme humaine
I would go for
Le naturalisme vise à appréhender les profondeurs de l’âme humaine.
Sticking to your description “réalisme is trying to capture and describe the story that is happening inside the characters, rather than the actual events”, I would suggest the following:
Le Réalisme s’attache à restituer la psyché des personnages.
Now, if you really think of this as “capturing the inside of human soul”, you might consider something less prosaic. Maybe the following:
Le Réalisme entend reproduire les dimensions intérieures de l’être.
« Spleen » ça se peut ?
Le beau est toujours bizarre.
— Baudelaire
Sinon, je dirais
Le naturalisme tente d’expliquer l’âme de l’être humaine.
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