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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

“To go bananas” in French / en français

Voici une expression au sens proche ayant une petite proximité sémantique…

Elle est partie en sucette

sinon, toujours avec partir:

Elle est partie en vrille

Il y a des expressions correspondantes avec le verbe péter:

péter un câble

péter une durite

péter les plombs/un plomb

péter un fusible

Adding “over” to “to go bananas [over someone/something]” changes its meaning to being crazy about someone in a positive way (raide dingue d’elle/lui?) & for a use of a fruit that apes like perhaps as much as bananas (granted, it’s a fruit whose meaning is extended to = “head”), this old use of “[se] monter le coco” could be seen as capturing this “positive” sense of “going crazy/bananas/ape over/about someone/something.”


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What is the capital of Tunisia?