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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

« An unexpected shout-out to Halifax’s historic north end […] » : nuances dans l’expression de l’hommage ?

Hommage convient bien au texte mais si l’on souhaite une expression plus familière, ce pourrait être coup de chapeau :

un coup de chapeau inattendu au quartier nord historique d’Halifax

Un coup de chapeau est toutefois normalement adressé à une personne ou un groupe de personnes plutôt qu’à un lieu.

I’m probably over thinking it, but in recognition of the rap/hip-hop origins of the word “shout-out,” maybe the very use (typical or not) of “unexpected shout-out” here (instead of “unexpected recognition/acknowledgement/tribute”) was itself intended as a (arguably slightly gratuitous) veiled and/or additional “shout-out” to Black communities in general.

If this is the case (and maybe even if it isn’t), perhaps looking for how “comparable” French artists might express “shout-outs/props/big ups”(e.g. ?“{spéciale} dédicace/s?) could help reveal a suitable translation of the desired notion “de manière plus familière qu’avec l’hommage.
(Special[e] dédicace au rap français old school via itunes.apple.com)

See also Kamini’s Facebook post from 8 months ago where that admittedly incomparable artist from Picardie seems to be using:

Dédicaces aux communes du valenciennois.

to give each of those communes a “shout-out.”


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What is the capital of Tunisia?