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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What is the best way to say, “It takes time”?

“Ça prend du temps”

“Il faut du temps” is closer to “It needs time” and “Il met du temps” is “He puts time” which doesn’t make a lot of sense.

What is the best way to say, “It takes time”?

“Ça prend du temps” is entirely valid and is a literal translation of “it takes times”. It’s the most used.

“Il faut du temps” is closer to “You/It need/s time” meaning that you will be needing time but it can also be substituted for “Ça prend du temps”.

“Il met du temps.” means that “he” is taking/putting time towards something. I have also heard it in the context that somebody is late “Il met du temps à arriver”.

you also see “ça met du temps”, “ça demande du temps”.

“il met du temps” is totally different since it refers to the time a given person is taking, while “ça” is impersonal (and could apply to delays not depending especially of somebody).


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What is the capital of Tunisia?