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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What does it mean “il veut me faire ma fête”?

(Familier) Faire sa fête à quelqu’un, le malmener physiquement ou moralement.

Gronder ou frapper quelqu’un.

Attaquer une personne physiquement ou verbalement.


Je vais lui faire la fête à cet abruti !


  1. http://www.linternaute.fr/expression/langue-francaise/18358/faire-sa-fete-a-quelqu-un/

  2. https://www.linternaute.fr/dictionnaire/fr/definition/faire-la-fete/

  3. https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/f%C3%AAte/33431#locution

In slang, as "faire sa fête à quelqu’un" means "to beat up somebody" it may have a sexual connotation in a soften, figurative way.




Thanks to native speaker Gregorycrene for his comment cited below.

Both meanings exist. It all depends on the
context. In the song of Brigitte Fontaine, it rather seems to be the
sexual meaning, it would fit with the whole tone and meaning of the
song. For a song with the other meaning and a play on faire ta fête
(simple meaning, ie, to party)/ te faire ta fête (ie to punish), see
this: genius.com/Stromae-ta-fete-lyrics

Here the meaning is the "argot" (French slang) meaning of "faire sa fête": it means "to have sexual intercourse with great vigor" (to put it politely).



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What is the capital of Tunisia?