Here, the complete fragment you are interested in is comme pour mieux nous cacher que … , meaning that the object of the verb cacher is not ourselves, but the fact that the logos fools us.
The correct meaning would be
… as if they wanted to hide from us the fact that the logos, speech and reason, fools us.
First, you need to break down the sentence correctly.
…, (comme pour (mieux nous cacher que ((le logos, langage et raison,) nous trahit))).
Le logos, language et raison: langage et raison is in apposition to logos. Semantically, this could be written “le logos (qui est langage et raison)”.
Thus this sentence fragment is a nuance on “comme pour mieux nous cacher que le logos nous trahit”, i.e. (translated litterally) “as if to hide from us the fact that logos betrays us”. The semantic subject of cacher is les philosophes, not nous. The pronoun nous is a complement of the verb cacher: hide from us. If you substitute mankind for nous, the sentence could be written “… comme pour mieux cacher à l’humanité que le logos la trahit”.
Another way to write the sentence with a similar meaning would be “comme s’ils voulaient nous cacher que le logos nous trahit” (where ils = les philosophes).
Comme indicates that what follows appears to be true but is probably not completely correct — either a simile or a misleading appearance.
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