There is a term: “fratrie”, but it lacks the non-gender feeling that siblings has. I think that’s why it’s not used as often as in other languages, because of this bias.
Still “fratrie” encompasses brothers and sisters in a family.
Sibling used to mean relative, brothers-and-sisters is a modern evolution of this ancient germanic word.
Geschwister has a feminine bias (Schwester).
Fratrie has a masculine bias (frère).
All these words, included the French word contrary to your supposition, are used to mean brothers-and-sisters, but not the Greek φρατρία the meaning of which being more tribe than family (another evolution of the Indo-european root).
There is a word : adelphe. It is not really used anymore, but it has exactly the same meaning as sibling in english.
Complément des réponses : il existe quelques attestations du mot “sibling(s)” en francais (ngram). Selon c’est très rare. Le même lemme dit que germain est plus courant (pour l’anthropologie au moins ; merci @Gilles !).
Il est à noter que ,comme souvent dans la langue française, le masculin l’emporte sur le féminin. Aussi on peut dire : "tes frères", même si dans le lot il y a des filles, pour désigner "tes frères et sœurs". "La fratrie" englobe elle aussi tout les enfants.
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