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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Indirect objects in a “faire + infinitive” context and elsewhere

Question 1

Je lui fait remarquer que = Je montre à lui que .

Construction is:

  • faire + verbe de perception + COD + COI (or +COI + COD)
  • pronoun COI + verbe de perception + COD

remarquer is shared between je and lui

lui is COI of fais/fais remarquer, as in je lui donne une pomme.

lui is also (co-)subject of remarquer.

Je fais remarquer à cette personne que …

as in

Je lui fais voir …

Je lui fais observer …

Je luis fais croire …

Je luis fais entendre …

Question 2: yes, but it is in general case with COD, not COI:

COI only works as in question 1 with verbs of perception (co-perception).

In general case, it is a COD, with several semi-auxiliary verbs (faire, laisser, and verbs of perception: entendre, voir, …)

Then you could also have: pronoun COD + faire + construction infinitif.

but faire + COD + construction infinitif doesnt exist.

Je le fais remarquer cet objet.

Je le fais voir cet objet.

Je le fais monter …

Question 3: It is different. subject of avoir le désir is je.

J’avais le désir de lui affirmer = … d’affirmer à lui . lui is just COI


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What is the capital of Tunisia?