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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to ask “how often” in French?

There is no good direct translation I can think of, one would rather say “are you doing it often” and depending on the answer ask further “at which frequency”.

Allez-vous souvent à la piscine? (Are you often going to the swimming pool?)
Oui, régulièrement (Yes regularly)
Ah oui? À quelle fréquence ? (Really? How often?)
Deux fois par semaine (Twice a week)

You can use the expression tous les combien:

Tous les combien, interroge sur la fréquence : L’autobus passe tous
les combien ?

Note there is no s at the end of combien since the latter is an invariable noun (masculine):

Le combien (nom masculin invariable), indique le quantième du mois, le rang : Le combien
sommes-nous ? Le combien est-il au classement ?

Another alternative might be “Tu fais X combien de fois par semaine/mois/an…?” “How often do you go swimming”. You must choose somewhere between weeks and years (for example)… which might lead to confusion:

Q: Tu vas à la piscine combien de fois par semaine?
A: Ça va pas, non? J’ai horreur de ça — j’y vais une fois par an maximum.

I disagree with the "tous les combien". Never heard of that in France, except when used with a unit appended such as "tous les combien DE MINUTES" or "tous les combien DE TEMPS".

However I heard "tous les quand" a lot, as in "le bus passe tous les quand?". This is informal, obviously.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?