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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How do you pronunce “il a fait une erreur”?

The most common pronunciations in France are:

[ilafɛ ynɛʁœʁ] (ilafè unèreur)


[ilafe yneʁœʁ] (ilafé unéreur)

The liaison is possible [ilafɛtynɛʁœʁ] (ilafètunèreur) but extremely rare in casual French and still uncommon in formal French. An exception would be a French language teacher providing hints to schoolchildren during a dictée.

When the sentence is spoken quickly, the initial I can be slightly or significantly dropped and the U can be soften and often turned into a “schwa”.


This seems to be what your heard as “Il a finerreur”.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?