In my opinion, you can use these forms as an equivalent of "Dear Staff":
- Chers/chères collègues
- Chers/chères associé.e.s
- Chers/chères collaborateurs/trices
These expressions give a kind of closeness between the CEO and his employees.
In contrast to the terms: employees or even workers.
All of these forms are acceptable and wouldn’t make me raise an eyebrow, but :
- ‘Employé’ would feel a little weird, especially if some of them are in charge of others.
- ‘Collègues’ would be a little weird too because it conveys a thing of equality that you obviously don’t have with your employees if you are their CEO.
So I’d go with ‘Collaborateurs’ because everyone is technically, a ‘collaborateur’.
The ones I would avoid:
Mesdames, messieurs
for being too distant,
Chers/chères employé.e.s
because inclusive spelling can be considered to carry a political agenda, and
Cher collègues
because it implies the CEO is a peer the employees (already mentioned by beauchette).
I would probably agree with
Chers collaborateurs, cher collaboratrices
although I would have avoided it a few decades ago.
I guess I’d just recommend to start that mail with :
Bonjour à tous
Bonjour à toutes et à tous
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