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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Which is more idiomatic, “au lieu” or “au lieu de cela”?

Your phrasing "Au lieu, faites…" without the preposition "de" does not work under any circumstances; the expression always takes the form of "au lieu de + noun {or} infinitive".

I’d suggest:

Au lieu de regarder la télé, fais tes devoirs.

Arrête de regarder la télé. Pourquoi (ne) pas plutôt faire tes devoirs ?

Note: As long as you use "tes", "faites" needs to change into "fais", and preferably "cela" into "ça".

Your phrasing "Arrête de regarder la télé. Au lieu de ça, fais tes devoirs." might be misconstrued as:

Stop watching TV already! Instead of stopping that, do your homework! — {contradictory}

… because, strictly speaking, "ça/cela" might refer to "arrêter de regarder la télé" as a whole rather than the intended "regarder la télé".


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What is the capital of Tunisia?