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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What color is “vert Anglais”?

You can find your answer here: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vert_anglais

I don’t know your fluency in French so I provide below a translation of (some parts of) the lemma (I used Google Translate for convenience).

English green is a trade name covering several shades of green and
several pigments and preparations.

Currently, it seems that the English green evokes, as far as
automobile paints are concerned, the British Racing Green of old
racing cars; for fine arts and decoration (…)

“English green is the color green which exists in commerce under the
greatest number of varieties; it is a complex product formed from
arsenate of copper (Scheele’s green) and several white materials such
as sulphate of baryte and sulphate of lime. (…) The more beautiful
has an apple-green tint, and the lower quality is leaf-dead. "

  • Color chemistry, 18552.

The best quality shade and composition are very similar to Veronese

The name English green is attested, as a commercial color, in the
Panckoucke Encyclopedia in 1784, shortly after Scheele’s invention,
in 1775. English green is classified in light greens. According to
another source, English green is a "mixture of lead chromate and
Prussian blue with varying proportion of baryte sulfate" and is also
found in the mid-19th century as Cinnabar vert, while sometimes the
same name designates Scheele’s green or another composition with the
latter called mineral green. Milory green is also sometimes called
English green, the recipe of which is kept secret.

The name English green is quickly and constantly used in fashion,
meaning a green that is sometimes light and often dark. This green
is made by mixing blue and yellow pigments.

The toxicity of English green made it first forbidden, in France, in
the preparation of candies, pastilles, dragees and liqueurs, before
having it replaced, in the color charts of color merchants, by
mixtures of other pigments, forming the desired shades of green. On
the other hand, we find, for horticulture, the so-called English green
preparations used as a pesticide.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the chemist Leclaire offered artists
two English greens: light English green and dark English green, both
zinc-based11. Before the end of the century, the name English green no
longer referred to a pigment or a well-defined shade. From 1876 to
1930 Lefranc sold six English green colors.


See also here: https://www.google.com/search?q=vert+anglais&rlz=1C1DIMA_enFR786FR786&sxsrf=ALeKk011K9EDZzo9aRlAkQgbCLgHlGzMRw:1602747601696&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvrNqLjLbsAhXk6OAKHakUDJ4Q_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1536&bih=722



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What is the capital of Tunisia?