Le Robert l’orthographie ressaisir avec un premier sens de « saisir à nouveau », que vous écrivez re-saisir. C’est aussi la forme retenue pour le verbe pronominal se ressaisir qui signifie « rentrer en possession de », « reprendre possession de ». Le TLF n’indique ...
Inbox : Source #1 des Questions & Réponses à tous les sujets Latest Articles
Translation of “study this sheet”
First, your translation is nearly good and would have been understood in actual state. A better sentence would be Tu dois bien étudier cette fiche avant l’examen. “étudier” could be used in a work context, not only in a school ...
Il faut pas croire ça – meaning
You can translate it to Don’t believe that. The sentence is missing the ne word, it’s a bit in sms language if you want. Adding to the answer of Ayfri on the meaning, which is correct: Il faut is not ...
“tant s’en faut” vs “loin de là”
My guess would be: old-fashioned though it doesn’t seem to be marked as such in dictionaries. ~Loin s’en faut~ is probably more used these days in colloquial French but the Académie française crosses it off as incorrect. Selon Ngram viewer, ...
“Dans ma rue” – when does it mean “in my street” and when “to my street”?
as a french native speaker, here’s how I’d make the difference: « Dans ma rue » means literally “in my street”, this is the general (and litteral) meaning of « dans ma rue » but when French mean “to my street”, they say « dans ...