The first adverb modifies the second one, so the two sentences have slightly different meanings.
Mieux comprendre = to better understand
On comprend mieux = one understands better
On comprend tout de suite mieux = right away, one understands better
On the other hand:
Comprendre tout de suite = to understand right away
On comprend tout de suite = one understands right away
On comprend mieux tout de suite = one understands better right away [than at another time]
With this sentence, "tout de suite mieux" is probably the one that makes sense, but here’s another sentence in which the opposite would work:
Dépêche-toi, ça se mange mieux tout de suite.
Hurry up, it’s better when you eat it right away.
Note putting the second adverb between commas can change the meaning. In such a situation the adverb might modify the entire sentence:
On comprend mieux, tout de suite, pourquoi c’est arrivé.
= Tout de suite, on comprend mieux pourquoi c’est arrivé.
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