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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Tu en tires, une gueule

This, clearly refers to this page, with “gueule” instead of “tronche”, which is even less formal langage.

tirer la tronche : (informal) to sulk, to pout, to be in a huff

In this case, we use the form : “tu en tires, une gueule” to reproach someone else to be sulking, to be poutting or to be in a huff. It looks like a French way of: “What’s the long face for?” or “Why so glum?”.

In this particular scene in TV Show Marseille, the mobster says that, because there is quite a bad news read by the politician, and this is clearly seeable on his face (gueule).


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What is the capital of Tunisia?