Lost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email.

What is the capital of Tunisia?

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Please type your E-Mail.

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Type the description thoroughly and in details.

What is the capital of Tunisia?

Translation of “user email” used in form fields in website

Is user in the expression user mail actually useful in your context ? I mean, is there different email adresses the website wants to fetch (personnal/professionnal/other), or is it just your classic everyday form, with only main information ? In the latter case, just use email. In the former, an adjective should be used for disambiguation with other emails asked for. If, for an example, the form asks for user email / sponsor email, use votre e-mail / e-mail de votre parrain. Give us some context if you want a more precise advice.

Edited after seeing the fields list : Go for e-mail utilisateur, it should fit your context clearly enough. Though a little odd or possibly perceived as too litteral, I guess most french people have already come accross this near-anglicism translation as the most frequent on the web.

As a sidenote, some remarks made through reading your list :

‘Contact Person Phone:’ => ‘Contactez Téléphone de la personne:’

…is a mistranslation. Try Téléphone du contact. Generally, translate contact person as just contact or maybe interlocuteur. We can then conclude than :

‘Contact Person Name:’ should translate to Nom du contact / de l’interlocuteur


‘Contact Person Email:’ to E-mail du contact / de l’interlocuteur

(by the way, try to be consistent with your naming. E-mail or courriel are both acceptable, but randomly using one or the other is introducing a false distinction.)

‘Welcome’ => ‘accueil’ (why not Bienvenue ?)

‘Please wait. Deleting user..’ => “S’il vous plaît attendre. Suppression de l’utilisateur ..”

No. Prefer Veuillez patienter. Suppression de l’utilisateur en cours..

‘User saved successfully.’ => “Benutzer-Registrierung .”

Here, I must admit I chuckled a bit. And my german friends too.

I didn’t have more time for now but I quickly saw there are other errors in the rest of the list, though often minor ones. I’ll edit tonight or tomorrow if nobody has done it yet.

Il me semble qu’un certain nombre d’articles ajoutés rendent plus intelligible les étiquettes et messages, et aussi en réserver l’utilisation des majuscules au premier mot :

"Enregistrement utilisateur" --> Enregistrement de l'utilisateur (si cela provient de 
    l'action  d'un utilisateur : "Enregistrement en cours"    

"Ajouter Type d'entreprise" -->  Ajouter le type d'entreprise

"ID Type d'entreprise" --> Identifiant du type d'entreprise

"Total Customer" --> Total du client (s'il s'agit d'une seule personne/Société) dans ce cas,
    les autres ".. à la clientèle" --> du client dans ce cas

"Total Modules" --> Total des modules, s'il s'agit d'une totalisation, sinon Modèle de Total,
     s'il s'agit d'un exemple

"App Access ID" --> ID (ou Identification) d'accès à l'application

'Loading templates for the selected business type..' --> Chargement du modèle selectionné
     pour ce type d'affaire

Saving Customer Configuration.. --> Sauvegarde de la configuration *du* client


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What is the capital of Tunisia?