La solidarité, il s’agit d’aider des gens moins fortunés que nous.
Fortuné(singulier) : Someone who have a lot of money.
Answering the side question, an even better way to say this would be :
La solidarité consiste à aider les gens moins fortunés que soi.
“soi” refers here to the person(s) showing solidarity.
I would suggest one of:
− La solidarité consiste à aider des personnes moins privilégiées que nous.
− La solidarité consiste à aider des personnes dans le besoin.
− La solidarité consiste à aider des personnes ayant moins de chance que nous.
Fortuné means in modern French almost exclusively "possessing a large amount of money" so doesn’t properly match the English "fortunate" (lucky/happy/healthy/…)
Curiously, Infortuné has kept its original meaning so does match the English "Unfortunate".
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