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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Prononciation du verbe « parker/parquer » en français du Québec ?

  1. Ce R correspond à la variante du R anglais décrite comme spirante rétroflexe voisée [ɻ].

Elle ne semble être utilisé en français québécois que dans des emprunts à l’anglais et donc bien correspondre au lien fourni.

  1. Je laisse la deuxième partie de la question avec quelqu’un de plus au fait des usages canadiens.

The "English" pronunciation of ”r” after a vowel in borrowings from English is the usual pronunciation in Montreal and other regions of Quebec where there has historically been a high degree of contact with English, such as the Outaouais or the Eastern Townships. In Quebec City and most of eastern Quebec it is perfectly normal to use a French ”r” in these cases, though an English ”r” is also possible.

In some (but by no means all) francophone communities in Canada but outside of Quebec, it is not uncommon to hear an English ”r” in French words, particularly among younger speakers, even ones for whom French is completely dominant. On hearing this, Quebecers may erroneously assume that English is dominant for them.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?