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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Pouvons-nous dire « acheter des gâteaux pour la pâtisserie » ?

As a French, I’ll have answered ” Hier, j’ai acheté des gâteaux à la pâtisserie”. By the way, there is a problem with tense, you can’t says “Hier, ” + present, it must be “Hier, ” + past.

Since “à” is not a valid answer, let’s try other ones:

A – chez. Hier, j’ai acheté des gâteaux chez la pâtisserie. “Chez” has to be used with a person. The correct sentence would have been “Hier, j’ai acheté des gâteaux chez le pâtissier.” (Pâtissier means pastry cook)

B – de. Hier, j’ai acheté des gâteaux de la pâtisserie. No problem, it means you bought some pastries which came from the pastry (the building). It’s a bit redundant but technically correct.

C – pour. Hier, j’ai acheté des gâteaux pour la pâtisserie. Here it means that you bought pastries in order to bring them to a pastry (the building). While this sentence could be said, you’ll never do that.

So if I had to take a guess, I’ll say B – de. It’s not the perfect answer but it’s the best of the three. C – pour could have been too but b – de is more common and correct.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?