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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Is it stylistically better to say « je reviens » instead of « je viens de revenir »?

Je viens de revenir is acceptable but looks like a repetition. Je reviens is indeed better. If you want to insist about the fact it just happened, you can use:

Je reviens juste de la boulangerie sur Main Street.

In Je viens de revenir de la boulangerie sur Main Street, there is a repetition of venir which is not very elegant. So I would prefer to use Je reviens de la boulangerie sur Main Street.

If you don’t want to use présent de l’indicatif, you may use passé composé:

Je suis revenu de la boulangerie (à l’instant)


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What is the capital of Tunisia?