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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

“Imperfect and whole”

No idea about a canonical translation but I would suggest droite, pure, authentique, absolue or intègre.

…être ce que je suis, imparfaite mais authentique.

It’s no help for finding a canonical/clinical translation, …
but to the extent that the pop/non-clinical notions of:

“imperfectly whole”(cf: “wholly imperfect” from the same GoogleBooks link);
“imperfectly complete” (from a poem by Jessica Watson); and/or
“imperfectly perfect” (& perhaps “perfectly imperfect”(both from Urban Dictionary) …

come close to capturing “imperfect and whole” in English, …
maybe you could explore French versions of some of the above, …

where the use of an adverb could at least help to avoid having to decide whether to replace the “and” in the English version with a “mais” in the French one (which replacement, imo, could perhaps change the impact, if not the meaning, of the message), …

such as in this video by yoga diva Maryse Lehoux:

Etes-vous parfaitement imparfait ou imparfaitement


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What is the capital of Tunisia?