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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

If someone “se resservir deux fois”, does the person have three servings in total, not two?

She had three servings, just like elle est revenue deux fois implies elle est venue trois fois.

Elle s’est servie → elle s’est servie (au moins) une fois.

Elle s’est resservie → elle s’est servie deux fois

Elle s’est resservie deux fois → elle s’est servie trois fois

See also When is it okay to add "re" before a verb?

This means that the person had 3 servings:

Se Resservir means to Refill (not exact, but works with this)

So with this logic, it means that the person served themselves once, then they refilled their plate twice:
1 + 2 = 3

So the individual had 3 servings

In English, we say helpings of food.
She had three helpings of my quiche.

Or: She helped herself three times to my quiche.

When you have re for food, it means a second time. se servir = one helping, se resservir, two helpings.

But bear in mind, not every verb in French with RE means more than one. It can get pretty tricky. Just one quick example: Elle a remonté la rue……She went up the street OR She went back up the street. Only the context will allow you to decide which is right.

Perhaps a colloquial translation would be “She came back for seconds of my quiche twice”, thus implying she had 3 servings.

En toute rigueur, elle a eu trois parts de quiche.

Dans la vie courante, la répétition (resservi, deux fois) sert souvent à appuyer le discours et non à noter l’accumulation. Dans ce cas, il est fort probable qu’elle n’ait eu que deux parts de quiche.

On trouve aussi cela avec le verbe réitérer par exemple.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?