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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to politely request the bus driver to stop the bus if they overstep my stop?

First, did you push the button to tell him you wanted to get off at the next station? If no, you shouldn’t ask him to stop between two stations.

If you did and he forgot, so something like Excusez-moi, je descendais là or Excusez-moi, vous avez oublié de vous arrêter will be nice.

Perhaps the driver didn’t understood your first query if you pronounced it the way you write it meisseur, which sounds like messieurs so is directed to several men, not a single one. Monsieur (pronounced “muh-syuh”, IPA /mə.sjø/) would have been better.

In any case, note that unless there is an real emergency situation, a driver is not allowed to let people leave a bus between regular stops so he took on his own to break the rules and find a location where he was able to do it safely.

Just before the stop,

Monsieur, j’aimerais descendre ici s’il vous plait.

If he misses the stop,

Monsieur, j’aimerais descendre au prochain arrêt s’il vous plait.

If you have a chance to talk to him closely,

J’ai essayé de vous indiquer que l’arrêt précédent était celui qui m’intéressait en appuyant sur le bouton, mais vous n’avez pas été en mesure d’arrêter l’autobus.

“Monsieur, l’arret s’il vous plait!”

But only if you’re still within reasonable reach of the stop, if you wake up 2 blocks later it’s too late for the bus to stop.

By entering the bus, you can ask:

Excusez-moi vous allez bien a …? / sorry are you going to …?
Ce bus s’arrête a …? / This bus stop at …?

Before your stop, in addition of pressing the stop button etc … you can say:

Monsieur je descends au prochain arrêt. / Mr. I get off at the next stop.

(notice that by using the present tense you emphasis the fact that it’s ‘not a question’ but an actual fact (which can sometimes be taken as an order).
If you want to be softer, you can say:

Pouvez-vous me laisser descendre au prochain arrêt? / Can you let me get off at the next stop?

You can be even more subtle and ask:

Est-ce que l’arrêt … est encore loin? / Is the stop … still far?

which should result in having the driver telling you that it’s the coming one (and also you made clear the fact that you want to get off at that one) -> A nice (even a bit longer) way to ask him to drop you there.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?