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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How does one say “difference of two squares” in French?

If the two squares you consider are well defined, it’s indeed “la différence des deux carrés”, where “des” stands for “de les”. Otherwise, if you consider two squares without any precise knowledge of what they’re expected to be, it will be “la différence de deux carrés”. 31 est la différence de deux carrés. La différence des deux carrés 256 et 225 est 31.

Différence de[s] deux carrés and différence des carrés are indeed the phrases commonly used when talking about the generic, mathematical formula.

Entre might also be used instead of de/des, especially when talking about actual numbers:

La différence de 16 et 25

La différence entre 16 et 25

The latter might also refer to something else than the numerical difference, like for example 16 est pair mais 25 est impair.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?