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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How can “Prends garde” means “Be careful” or “Beware”?

Garde has not the to keep meaning but the to guard one, so it’s more like be on (your) guard (literally "take guard", i.e. take care, pay attention).


  • Prends garde à toi (take care of you)

Beware that prendre garde often keeps the same meaning regardless of whether it is used negatively or positively.

See Prendre garde : expression à plusieurs variantes

Garde has several meanings https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/garde/36093

What interests us is the last definition :

  • En boxe, en escrime et dans les sports de combat, attitude que l’on prend pour engager le combat et se protéger.

Which means Combat Position.

You can understand Prends garde has Take a position that allow you to defend yourself.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?