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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Evolve in technical side as well as business side

Translations :

To evolve in both technical side as well as business side –
Progresser aussi bien sur le plan technique que sur le plan des affaires/du business

To evolve in both technical competence and business knowledge –
Progresser dans les compétences techniques et la connaissance du business

To gain knowledge in both technical and functional domain –
Acquérir des connaissances à la fois dans le domaine technique et le domaine fonctionnel

To develop double competence in both domain technical-business –
Développer une double compétence technico-business

The ones that sound better in french when translated are :

Acquérir des connaissances à la fois dans le domaine technique et le domaine fonctionnel -> Simple, effective, actually means something (“Progresser sur le plan technique etc..” is inaccurate)

Développer une double compétence technico-business -> More formal, efficient, complies with professionnal jargon.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?