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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Etymology of the word “mas”

Mas has been borrowed from Provençal and Catalan which are both romance languages that belong to the Occitan family.

Provençal is spoken in Provence and Catalan in Pyrénées-Orientales. It is also spoken in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands where it is one of the co-official languages.

It comes from late Latin mansum (“the place where one stays/remains”) which also gave French manoir, masure and maison). In the Middle-Ages mas designated a farmhouse with a particular tenure in the feudal system.1

The use of the word in French to designate a country house of Provence style dates from the mid 19th century when Provence became fashionable through literary works such as Daudet’s.

1. I’m not a historian and really can’t go into details on that topic.

It is correct that mas comes from the Latin verb “to stay”. “Mansum” is the Past Participle Passive of the Classical Latin verb “manere”(maneo,manere,mansi, mansum).


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What is the capital of Tunisia?