All can translate to "some" but often with nuances: Certains means "some" as a subset of a group. Certains ne sont pas venus. → Some didn’t show up. Des is the plural of un, some as "more than one". Des ...
Inbox : Source #1 des Questions & Réponses à tous les sujets Latest Articles
What does “brezinzin” mean?
Associations EditorsIt is likely an onomatopeia reminding the sound of a plane (Brrrr) followed by "Zin Zin", the sound of shots, falling bombs or the sirens used by the German bombers. As others mentioned, this is definitely an onomatopeia related to ...
Quelle est la signification de « pour pendant » ensemble ?
Business Editors« Pour pendant » est la combinaison de « pour », préposition et de « pendant », nom masculin signifiant familièrement « personne ou chose comparable ou symétrique à une autre » (TLFi, pendant²). P. anal., fam. Personne ou chose ...
What phrase is omitted before “Ce qui”?
Associations EditorsThis sentence could easily be translated with the same syntax in English: Dompter un djinn me doterait de pouvoirs immenses. Ce qui pourrait me servir, un de ces jours. Taming a djinn would give me great powers. Which could be ...
What is the correct word for “the inside of humans soul”?
Associations EditorsAs is, it doesn’t mean what you think, since les entrailles means literally the guts. If you want a translation, I have several propositions: try could be rendered as essaie, tente or vise à capture as appréhender, restituer, retranscrire or ...
“La logique métier” or “le logique métier” ?
Business EditorsYour confusion may come from the fact that “Logique” can be used as a noun or an adjective in french. But remember, “La bleue voiture” (adj. before noun) is wrong in french it should be “La voiture bleue”. “Logique” can ...
When to use “dormir”, “endormir”, “rendormir”?
Business EditorsDormir is a static state: (to sleep, to be sleeping). (S’)endormir is the transition between being awake and sleeping (to fall asleep/to put to sleep) (Se) rendormir is is the same as endormir but when happening after waking-up (to fall ...
How should I understand “il se suffira à lui-même”?
Associations EditorsThe closest definition is in TLFi Se suffire [En parlant d’une pers.]: Se réaliser, satisfaire ses aspirations, sans le secours d’autre chose ou sans le secours d’autrui. “To achieve personal success, to live up to one’s expectations, without help from ...
Différence entre « proof of concept » et « prototype »
Business EditorsSelon moi, un prototype est plus avancé en termes de réalisation qu’un proof of concept. Si j’avais à trouver une expression analogue en français, je dirais plutôt étude de faisabilité. Si j’avais à parler des deux sans distinguer l’état d’avancement, ...
Meaning of a phrase, with focus on the word “titine”
Business EditorsEDIT: It is really down to the original questioner, je crois, to ask his girlfriend to clear it up. The best I can offer is that it’s likely something along the lines of: I can’t offer you my car. I ...