The activités parascolaires are non-mandatory activities organized by a school (or by an association working in partnership with the school), outside of class hours. It is used only in the context of kindergarten, primary schools and high/secondary schools – never in universities. So the term activités parascolaires has a much more restricted meaning than extracurricular activities.
In a French CV, it is indeed rather common to add a section simply labeled loisirs, centres d’intérêts or hobbies (I would personally recommend to use centres d’intérêts as it sounds less “leisurely”, but that is open to discussion).
I use the term:
activités extra-scolaires
That includes hobbies, sport, music, etc.
You can also find extrascolaire, with no hyphen.
Même en anglais, il me semble que extra curricular activities se dit plus couramment lorsqu’on parle du primaire ou du secondaire.
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