J’ai trouvé que l’emploi des liaisons dépend du registre de langue utilisé par l’interlocuteur. C’est-à-dire, s’il adopte une langue soutenue et recherchée ou plus familière. Autrement dit, l’emploi des liaisons particulières est souvent facultatif.
I’ve found that the use of liaisons depends on the register employed by the speaker. That’s to say if they’re using a sophisticated, “elevated” tone or a more familiar one. The consequence is that liaisons are often optional.
I think both pronunciations (with liaison and without liaison) are common. Personally I use both.
With the liaison, the meaning is usually “Ce moment n’est pas encore arrivé”, that is “Not yet”. But I guess the usage varies, and the liaison could be omitted.
However when encore is distinctively stressed (Pas Encore !), the liaison is necessarily omitted… paZencore would sound so pretty weird. And in this case the meaning is most probably “Ah non, pas Encore une fois !”… “Not again!”.
As a rule of thumb, you could pronounce (but not obligatorily) the liaison when meaning “not yet” :
- Il n’est pas [z] encore arrivé : he has not arrived yet
- Je n’ai pas [z] encore fini : I’m not done yet
In these cases, the use of the liaison might sound a bit posher than without, but that quite depends on the tone too.
However, you should not pronounce the liaison when meaning “not again” :
- Oh non, pas [ ] encore des choux de Bruxelles! : Oh no, not Brussels sprouts again!
Using the liaison in this case sounds plain weird 🙂
This is one of the cases where the liaison is optional. It is sounded in careful speech or poetry, and omitted in casual speech. Sounding it in a casual context sounds stilted, while omitting it in formal contexts sounds uncouth.
Broadly speaking, most liaisons between words that aren’t part of a single group of words (such as article/adjective/noun) fall in this category.
In most casual settings (in Belgium and France) «s» is not pronounced.
Actually, the rule would be to pronounce the liaison. Not pronouncing the liaison does not the change the meaning at all. It is just a stylistic variation and while popular and common, it goes against the rule. By the same token, the phrase “Je ne sais pas” is more commonly than not pronounced “shay pas” with the “ne” completely missing. Common on the streets and in the cafes of Paris, but unlikely ever uttered at the acadamie française.
Plus généralement, celà dépend du contexte et du niveau de langage employé: si l’on souhaite articuler clairement pour être sûr d’être compris, par exemple au téléphone et si toutes les liaisons sont prononcées on doit prononcer cette liaison. Au risque de paraître un peu pédant…tout dépend du ton de conversation et du contexte.
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