When you say "Les librairies vendent des livres" you don’t know precisely which books they sell. That’s why you must use the indefinite article des.
Have a look at those examples:
Les librairies vendent actuellement le dernier livre de Stephen King.
Les librairies vendent des bandes-dessinées d’Hergé.
Les librairies vendent le roman de André Dupont.
Do you feel the difference ?
- In the first sentence, you know exactly which book they sell, the last one of Stephen King.
- In the second sentence, you know they sell Hergé’s cartoons but that’s all. Not that precise.
- In the last one, it’s not as easy. Indeed, if you haven’t heard about André Dupont before you might not understand why I use le. But if you know that this man has written only one novel (or if you are a native and you will guess so ;), you will know which precise book I’m talking about.
That’s why the correct translation for "Les librairies vendent des livres" is actually "Librairies sell books".
NB: here André Dupont is a fictional character ^.^
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