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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What is meant by “Est-ce que tes copains aussi font du français?”

Faire is often translated by to do instead of to make.

Literally, this sentence means:

  • Are your pals also doing French? (i.e. studying French)

From the TLFi:


D.− Exercer (une activité suivie de façon régulière), employer son temps à.

1. Domaine scol. et universitaire. Faire des études*, faire l’école buissonnière*; faire un doctorat, une licence.
− En partic.
Faire + art. partitif + subst. Étudier, pratiquer (une matière, une discipline). Faire des maths

Easy French Step-by-Step (Rochester) gives some examples of this idiom.

faire des langues modernes (to study modern languages)
faire de la littérature (to study literature)
faire de la médecine (to study medicine)

The idiom means “to study”. Thus your sentence could be translated as:

Est-ce que tes copains aussi font du français?
Are your friends also studying French?


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What is the capital of Tunisia?