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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

What is a “Certified Quality Engineer” in French?

The literal translation “ingénieur qualité” is the correct one. The man in the street wouldn’t know what that means, but then the same applies to “quality engineer” in English. You can find many occurrences on Linguee. The expression will be understood on a CV.

There isn’t really a way to translate “quality engineering” as such. The word “engineering” has no exact French equivalent, it depends on the context. The discipline can be translated as “ingénierie qualité”, but not the activity. “Génie” (TLF III.B) is an old-fashioned word for “ingénierie”, and it remains strong in traditional expressions such as “génie mécanique”, “génie électrique” and even in the more modern “génie logiciel”, but “génie qualité” hasn’t taken off in France (apparently it is used in Canada though), perhaps due to the combined awkwardness of the word génie used in a relatively uncommon meaning and of the noun qualité used as if it was an adjective.

For “quality engineering” or “quality assurance” as a role or an activity, “contrôle qualité” is common.

As for “certified”, again the literal translation “certifié” is correct. However note that engineering is not regulated in France: anyone can claim to be an engineer. The title “ingénieur diplômé” is regulated, but it isn’t equivalent: “diplômé” corresponds to a university diploma, not to a professional certification that you get after a number of years of experience.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?