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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Translating some rare irregular verbs?

  • Choir (to fall, defective verb, rarely used)
  • Démordre (the mechanical action opposed to to bite, i.e. to release after a bite. Nearly only used in the idiom ne pas vouloir en démordre which means not wanting to give up or hold one’s position stubbornly)
  • Désapprendre (used frequently, meaning unlearn)
  • Paître (to feed on grass, used for ruminant animals mainly)
  • Reclure (to lock up (someone), synonym of enfermer) (Edit : more common in its adjective form, reclus-e, or the noun réclusion, as a side note to Aššur-bāni-apli’s comment)
  • Recomparaître (like said in the question comments : to appear again in court, frequently used in legal/lawyers context)
  • Rentrouvrir (Entrouvrir meaning to open slightly, rentrouvrir is the repetition of this action)
  • Revaloir (another defective, with the nearly unique usage in the idiom Je te revaudrai ça ! = I’ll repay you !, to show gratitude)
  • Se contrefoutre (offensive or vulgar register, meaning not to give a damn/give a shit)
  • Se ressouvenir ((as for Rentrouvrir above), Se souvenir meaning to remember, se ressouvenir means to remember again) (Edit : Thanks to Aššur-bāni-apli for this clarification of nuance: to remember again after having forgotten, which is slightly different…)
  • S’entre-nuire (describes the mutual action of causing harm/trouble one to each other)
  • Sourdre (rare verb, meaning to get out from something, but is used only for sound, water, or this kind of things, not people or solid objects)
  • Sous-tendre (hard to translate (any help is welcome !), meaning approximately to ground (something), to found (something), or to establish the base for (something))
    (Edit : thanks to the comments we have also these propositions, to underlie and the almost-litteral to subtend thanks to Kareen, or to underpin from StéphaneGimenez)
  • Dépourvoir (approximately to deprive) (Edit : a lot more common in the adjective form dépourvu-e, thanks to StéphaneGimenez’s comment)

The others are very rare (and very old, almost not used any more at all), but with a bit of searching…

  • Aveindre (to pull something out of somewhere, with an effort)
  • Contre-battre (I didn’t find this form, but « contrebattre » exists, meaning to retaliate/to fire back (between two artillery devices))
  • Débouillir (to immerse in boiling water, to cleanse/whiten or to test tincture persistance on clothes)
  • Déprendre* (To release (someone) from something/someone else’s grasp or dominance)
  • Embatre (Technical term used in wood wheels crafting, meaning to attach a circular piece of iron on a wheel’s rim)
  • Messeoir (not to fit (socially or politically), or we could say not to be acceptable)
  • Mévendre* (I didn’t know this one, but it is rather easy to guess for a native speaker, it means to sell for no profit or negative profit, i.e. to sell too cheaply)
  • Parfondre* (used for enamel/faience/earthenware crafting, but I’m definitely no smith to explain that. Any help is welcome, dear SE people)

* Found in an old dictionary (Larousse, 1920), a few precisions :

Déprendre (pran-dre) v.a. (Se conj. comme prendre) Isoler, dissoudre ce qui était pris, c’est-à-dire collé ou congelé. se déprendre v.pr. Se détacher.

Mévendre (van-dre) v.a. (du préf. et de vendre. – Se conj. comme vendre.) Vendre à perte.

Parfondre v.a. (du lat. perfundere, mélanger). Incorporer les couleurs à la plaque de verre ou d’émail et les faire fondre également.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?