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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

The meaning of the set expression “tel jour …, tel autre jour …”?

In French, we use tel to take an example without actually precising this example. It has the same meaning as what you said, but in my opinion, it’s better for illustrating.

I would say it means the same as Ce jour en particulier, "this particular day".

Definition from the French Larousse dictionary: http://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/tel_telle/77019

Devant un nom sans article, indique une personne, une chose, sans les définir précisément : On a fait telle chose, tel jour à tel endroit.

[English] In front of a noun without any article, indicates a person, a thing, without defining them precisely.

This definition answers your second question: it is indeed possible to use this structure to designate any noun, even though it’s mainly used for time (days, hours), people, actions and locations. It might sound a bit weird with an object, but it is grammatically correct, for example:

Je prends telle fourchette, tel jour à telle heure.

The idea behind tel(le) is that you imply a specificity of the upcoming noun or group.

Telle personne ne peut se joindre à nous.

[ENG] Such person cannot join us.

This sentence has no particular interest without extra information (pointing at someone, a description of a person, …). The expected information might be located in a sentence before the one using tel(le).


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What is the capital of Tunisia?