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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Meaning of “en” in “mais le titre m’en paraissait si ridicule que”

En is indeed referring to the book. It is normal for the me to come before en. When there are multiple object pronouns en is closest to the verb1.

Another way of writing the sentence would be:

Je n’ai pu y tenir ; je suis entrée ; mais le titre de ce livre me paraissait si ridicule que j’hésitais à le dire au commis.


Je n’ai pu y tenir ; je suis entrée ; mais son titre me paraissait si ridicule que j’hésitais à le dire au commis.

En could also be omitted:

mais le titre me paraissait si ridicule que j’hésitais à le dire au commis ;

without really impairing the comprehension of the sentence because the context is clear. But to my ears the sentence sounds better using en.

En paraitre is not a set phrase as far as I know, I haven’t been able to think of a single instance where en would not be justified in the sentence, it always represents something that has been named before (or will be named soon).

1 Usual order of object pronouns:
direct object (1st or 2nd Person) and se , direct object (3rd Person), indirect object, y, en. Here’s a good recap.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?