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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Meaning and difference of the word faite vs faîte

A simple dictionary look Dictionnaire Larousse :

Faîte (et faite orthographe rectifiée)

Arête supérieure d’une toiture. Synonyme de faîtage. Partie la plus
élevée d’un relief, de quelque chose ; sommet, cime : Le faîte des

Littéraire. Degré le plus élevé de quelque chose : Arriver au faîte des honneurs.
Mots de la même famille : faîtage, faîteau, faîtier et faîtière.

See also : https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/fa%C3%AEte

  1. What does “faite” mean? See above and 1 below.
  2. What does “faîte” mean? Ibid.
  3. What is the difference between the two if any? Rectified orthographe admits the former (without the accent).
  4. Is there any cultural significance? The only one I see, not being a native speaker though, is that despite that the so-called rectified orthographe dates from 1990, is not still accepted by everyone:-)!
  5. Does either word have any slang or connotations associated? No as far I know.

1 Note there is also faites of faire; that is, vous faites (and no vous faisez a common mistake among beginners ). Also, there is also the past participle of faire when one needs to make the feminine accord. E.g. Cette bague est faite en or.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?