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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Help with French Rebus

Peut-être bien qu’il sgit de l’onomatopée désignant le meuglement des vaches : « meuh ». Ce qui correspond au son « m » du mot « sommes ».

The berry is called “Houx“, and the cow says “meuh”
(it doesn’t say anything in particular, it’s just the sound of a cow in French, same as “Moo” in English).

That holly berry is the houx. The cow mooing is either meugler/beugler/mugir but the typical sound is meuh ! Spoilers ahead.

N’ – houx – seau – meuh – A – banc – dos – nez ! (Nous sommes abandonnés !)


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What is the capital of Tunisia?