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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Does « Jake rappelle ‘qch’ » mean “Jake recalls ‘something’ ? By recall I mean “Jake brings ‘something’ to mind” and ‘something’ is any noun

Rappeler does mean recall / bring something to someone else’s mind here. It can have other meanings depending on the context, like to call back.

Here are some common usages:

Rappeler quelque chose (à quelqu’un) → To remind sth (to someone)
Rappeler quelqu’un → To call back someone
Rappeler quelqu’un à l’ordre → To call someone to order
Se rappeler (de) quelque chose → To remember something
Se rappeler (de) quelqu’un → To remember someone

No, that is not the meaning of "rappeler" here. The meaning is "to remind". As "to remind" is transitive an object must be added.

  • The president reminded everyone of the importance of barrier gestures.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?