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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

“Changer en” vs. “changer pour”

Changer pour français is ungrammatical while changer en français (for changer la langue en français) is not ideal.

More idiomatic phrases could have been:

Passer en français.

Basculer en français.

However, the simplest and best choice would be to simply label the interface with:


The whole dialog is bogus.

That should be Paramètres, not Paremètres.


Votre langue préférée est : anglais.
Voulez-vous la modifier en : français (France) ?

Annuler / Mise à jour

Note that unlike in English, français and anglais do not take an uppercase initial in French when they represent the languages or are used as adjectives.

It would be correct to say “Voulez-vous la changer pour le français ?“.

One says correctly (and even formally) “il a changé sa vieille voiture diesel pour une voiture électrique toute neuve”.

“Changer X pour Y ” = substituting Y for X

“Changer X en Y” = transforming X into Y.

Here the action does not really consist in transforming the English language into the French one, but rather in sustituting French for English.

So, “changer pour” is better.

But the verb that would be used the most spontaneously by French speakers would be “passer de l’anglais au français“. Quite incorrectly, people tend to say “passer en mode anglais”.

What is incorrect in the message is “réglée à“.

One would rather say “votre paramètre “langue” est réglé sur “Anglais” “, or “votre option “langue” est l’anglais…


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What is the capital of Tunisia?