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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

C’est vous encore/C’est encore vous

Your French is good. Prefer “je ne sais pas” to “je sais pas” though, especially in writing.

Now for me, as a native speaker, both “C’est vous encore” and “C’est encore vous” have the same meaning. The first is definitely not colloquial though. I thought long trying to find a nuance in meaning between the two, but I don’t feel one.

As Archemar points out, “toujours” can also be used with a meaning that is very close, though slightly different.

  • votre réponse est incorrecte, recommencez
  • votre réponse en encore incorrecte, recommencez
  • votre réponse est toujours incorrecte

In this situation, toujours conveys a higher degree than encore. When to switch from encore to toujours is matter of circumstance, and of exasperation.

In French, encore, as you quoted, is used both for continuity and for repetition. In English, AFAIK, still would be used more for continuity, and again more for repetition. Right?

In French, putting an adjective before or after the substantive generally changes meaning, sound and sometimes spelling: for instance “un homme beau” versus “un bel homme”.

In the mentioned situation, “C’est encore vous” or “C’est vous encore” (especially with a comma: “C’est vous, encore”) seem to convey a distinct nuance. The second one insists (to me) on “encore”, while the first one stresses on “vous”. And orally, you can link the sounds “C’est vous [z]encore”.

Among the alternatives I can think of:

  • again: “C’est vous à nouveau”, “C’est vous une fois de plus”,
  • still: “C’est vous, comme toujours”, “C’est vous, comme d’habitude”.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?