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What is the capital of Tunisia?

“A flashback to 2015!”: How do you express this idea in French without anglicisms?

Maybe using “Ça me rappelle des souvenirs d’il y a deux ans!” expresses this more directly.

Ramener, replonger, n’ont pas le caractère brutal souhaité, et sont un peu plats à mon gout.

J’ai l’impression de revenir deux ans en arrière me parait le plus français, sans l’émotion américaine mais le plus naturel, marquant une forme de déception.

“Me voilà projeté deux ans en arrière” pourrait mieux traduire l’effet du “flash”.

Another approach may be to keep the sentence short. For instance:

“Retour en 2015 !”

“Nous revoilà en 2015 !”

“Vision de 2015 !” / “Soudaine vision de 2015 !”

“Ramené/replongé/projeté en 2015 !”

“Soudain 2015 !” / “Retour soudain en 2015 !”

I realize that it’s just the example you chose (and it might just be me), but I usually associate the full, sudden/abrupt notion of “flashing back” with going back more than just 2 or 3 years (unless one dropped some acid in 2015, of course), e.g., back to an earlier decade/century/millennium/era.

With this bias of mine (and this specific example of yours) in mind, while perhaps lacking the “sudden aspect” you seek, for a “flashback” to a relatively recent time I’d suggest exploring French equivalents of the less abrupt notion of “rewinding time” [cf: Reverso’s suggestions], such as:

Hop! Un/e petit/e rembobinage/remontée [du/dans le temps] jusqu’en 2015 !


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What is the capital of Tunisia?