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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to translate bricolent faithfully?

From what I’ve found, it’s common to use the simple expression “to do DIY”. So I’d suggest this (note that I corrected the beginning of the sentence, the general “on” in French is translated with the passive form in English) :

It’s said that seventy percent of French people do DIY from time to time, and thirty-seven percent say they do it often or very often.

The semantic of bricoler may differ depending on the context, here it is clear that the verb meaning is about the DIY occupation as shown below from the TLFi. You could also use tinker but I do not think that it matches as well the idea behind DIY (that the person is mostly doing some reparations or improvement at her home). I suppose that tinker has a bit broader meaning but it is clearly less clumsy to use.

From the TLFi

BRICOLER, verbe.
II A) Cour. Emploi intrans.
2. Exécuter chez soi de petits travaux qui réclament de l’ingéniosité et de l’habileté manuelle:

… et je ne t’oublie pas, Jantje, pour toi, puisque tu es l’aîné et que je suppose que tu aimes bricoler, voici pour toi la grande boîte du meccano et tout un attirail de clés anglaises et d’autres outils, …
CENDRARS, Bourlinguer, 1948, p. 258.

Dans un coin on voyait un clapier, dans l’autre une cabane où Duffieux devait ranger ses outils et sans doute bricoler à ses heures de liberté.
SIMENON, Les Vacances de Maigret, 1948, p. 94.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?