Les dessins animés Disney (ou autre) sont parfaits je pense
Je peux recommander C’est pas sorcier, qui m’a beaucoup aidé lorsque j’apprenais le français. C’est une émission qui cible les lycéens et explique un éventail énorme de sujets (savants, historiques, économiques).
I’m not sure of any particular current titles, but the “genre” of soap operas in French could be helpful.
My wife learned a lot from watching American soap operas when she first arrived here 36 years ago. They moved so slowly from one episode to the next (even from one week/month/year to the next!), that the constant, albeit annoying, repetition served the purpose of adding to and reinforcing her vocab and recognizing the context in which it was used. Be careful of television advertisements, though, because for a while she was convinced that “saralicious” was a real adjective.
I learned a lot of French from “reading” the magazine ‘Nous Deux’, which was/is? essentially a soap opera in printed form (photo-romain = real photos in gradual sequence with captions, kind of like a Sunday-paper cartoon, but with real photos).
The ridicule that came/comes/will come from admitting to watching soap operas or reading the likes of “Nous Deux” was/can be somewhat countered with “I’m just watching/reading it to improve my French”!
Anyway, my wife is now endorsed to teach not only prek-12 French, BUT ALSO preK-12 ESL here in Virginia, so who knows where watching/reading such genres in YOUR second/third/fourth language will take YOU! (Good luck and Bravo for staying with it through AP, BTW!)
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