Words and locutions that can be used in that context, that have been used in the past and that one should still be able to use are the following.
- juste (right), c’est juste (that is right), exact, c’est exact, exactement, correct, oui (yes), c’est ça (that’s it), effectivement, en effet, c’est un fait,
Of course, these terms are not all interchangeable; a presentation of precise contexts in which to use them would have to rest on a whole little study. The most simple to use are those below; they express the simple confirmation that something that has been said is right.
- juste, c’est juste, exact, c’est exact, correct, oui, c’est ça,
I wouldn’t know about modern terms, that is, to be more precise, terms that have been recently added, let’s say in the past forty years. You’ll have to wait for more answers to fill that gap.
Tel que discuté en commentaire :
Bien. [voir II.A.1 : « Bien! bien, bien! fort bien! très bien!, etc. marque l’accord, la conclusion, parfois avec une nuance d’impatience. (Quasi-)synon. bravo! parfait!] […] » (TLFi)
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