I’m a french native and i think there is no fixed rules about that.
Normally, small adjective (beau, joli, sale, etc.) are before the noun, regardless of the complexity of the sentence.
But, I think it’s also guided by intution. We said blackboard: un tableau noir, even if noir is a small word.
It can be really complex, because the position of the adjectif have an incidence on its meaning.
For example:
Un homme grand => a tall man
Un grand homme => a great man
But, this is a special case for homme, femme ou personne. Un grand chat have the same meaning as un chat grand: a tall cat.
But other adjectives vary their meanings with all nouns.
ma propre chambre => my own room
ma chambre propre => my cleaned room
mon propre vélo => my own bike
mon vélo propre => my cleaned bike
un sacré livre => a great book
un livre sacré => a sacred book
Moreover, the familiar verb form differs from the sustained written form.
For example, we said:
une habitude étrange, un repas succulent, un homme beau
but in a book, you will read more often:
une étrange habitude, un succulent repas, un bel homme.
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