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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

How to say “good guess”

Bien essayé ! indique que le raisonnement est plutôt bon ou astucieux mais que la proposition est incorrecte, au contraire de bonne idée qui ne tranche pas sur sa justesse.

Je dirais :

Tu y étais presque !!!

Même joueur, joue encore !

My Maths teacher used to say: “ ah! Vous chauffez!” Which meant we were closer to the right answer. If some got even closer, he would say “vous brûlez!” Almost guessed or figured out! And if someone got the right answer after that, he’d say: bravo, or exactement, or “c’est la bonne réponse. Because the same exists in English: “you’re getting warmer” etc, your students maybe amused to do it in French.
It comes from a game that all kids play, in France we call(ed) it “cache tampon”.

Il y a de l’idée.

Bien tenté !

Belle tentative !

On s’en approche.


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What is the capital of Tunisia?