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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Curious translations

Short explanation: each sentence contains two words that translate as one unique French word. These homonyms can be differenciated with the sentence context.

With my headlights on, I could see the lighthouse.

  • Avec mes phares allumés, je pouvais voir le phare.

The “phares” most people turn on are the headlights. The “phare” is probably not a car’s headlight because it is singular.

When I heard the siren, I saw a mermaid.

  • Quand j’entendis la sirène d’alarme, je vis une sirène.

Both “sirènes” can be heard, but only one can be seen. Then, we do not have to precise the second “sirène” is a mythologic critture. We still have to add details on the first one in order to show it is about a siren, not a mermaid.

I want an office with a desk in it.

  • Je veux un bureau avec un bureau à l’intérieur

“Je veux un bureau” alone needs a context in order to understand it. In this sentence, it is almost certain I want a room with furniture in it, and not the opposite!

A walnut is a nut.

  • Une noix est un fruit à enveloppe ligneuse.

Using “noix” instead of “arachide” “fruit à enveloppe ligneuse”1 is an “abus de langage”.

My fireplace has a chimney.

French does not have an equivalent to "fireplace". It can be translated to “cheminée, foyer, âtre” these last two being parts of a chimney.

I use my tongue to speak a language.

When we use “parler” with “langue” (language), it is for the quantifier between them: “Je parle une, deux, cinq langues.” However, we just talk. If we absolutely need a translation:

  • J’utilise ma langue pour parler un langage.

1Suite à la remarque de @Laurent. S : effectivement, un arachide est une cacahuète, rien à voir avec les noix ! J’ai donc choisi de reprendre la définition du TLFi qui me paraît englober l’ensemble des fruits désignables par "nut".


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What is the capital of Tunisia?