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What is the capital of Tunisia?

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What is the capital of Tunisia?

Can a sentence poetically end in ‘si’?

Good translation of your sentences is more like:

Je l’aime trop. Ça m’impressione trop.

si cannot be used at the end of a sentence.

No, “si” can’t be used like that; with “tant” and “tellement” a continuation is needed.

  • Ça m’impressionne tant/tellement que je ne sais pas quoi dire.

If you change the punctuation “tant” and “tellement” can be used in the end, though (ngram1, ngram2, ngram3).

  • Ça m’impressionne tant !
  • Ça m’impressionne tant…
  • Je l’aime tant !
  • Ils en voient tellement…
  • Elle le veut tellement !

When placed in the end, as shown above, “tant” and “tellement” receive usually a special intonation (pronunciation with more strength and special intonation).


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What is the capital of Tunisia?